The Final Masterpiece
Handgun • General Rounds
Change Weapon Level
Image of The Final Masterpiece
Unique Ability
After reloading, grants one of three unique abilities at random. If the granted effect is the same as the existing effect, the effect stage is increased. If a different effect is granted, the effect stage is reset to Stage 1. Superb Performance Beautiful Appearance Awesome Feature
The Final Masterpiece Stats
Firearm ATK8861
Fire Rate500
Weak Point Damage1.5
Environmental Destruction (Weapon)1
Effective Range (Drop-off start)15
Effective Range (Drop-off end)35
ATK Drop-off Modifier0.3
Max Range150
Hip Fire Accuracy72.22
Aimed Shot Accuracy77.77
Crosshair Min Size3
Crosshair Max Size35
Crosshair Change While Moving7
Crosshair Change While Shooting4.5
Crosshair Change When Shooting While Aiming4
Aim Recovery Speed100
Crosshair Change Speed120
Rounds per Magazine20
Load Capacity20
Reload Time1.1
Bullet Cost-1
Sprint Speed800
Movement Speed650
Movement Speed While Firing650
Movement Speed While Aiming650
Daze Attack Value2
Firearm Critical Hit Rate20
Firearm Critical Hit Damage2
Attribute Status Effect Trigger Rate5.26
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