Image of Yujin
Standard Descendant
Change Descendant Level
Max HP1402
Max Shield537
Max MP243
Shield Recovery Out of Combat6.2
Shield Recovery In Combat3.3
Yujin Skills
Solidarity Healing
Solidarity Healing Non-AttributeActive Skill - Singular
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeNon-Attribute
Arche TypeSingular
Attaches a Healing Drone to an ally. The Drone is dismissed if it strays too far from the target or when its duration expires. The Drone grants Sustained Recovery. Upon dismissal, grants Accelerant to both Yujin and his allies. This skill's recovery increases only when the total amount that make up Skill Power reaches a certain amount.
Restructure Serum
Restructure Serum Non-AttributeActive Skill - Fusion
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeNon-Attribute
Arche TypeFusion
Fires Restructure Serum forward. Enemies hit by Restructure Serum are inflicted with Allergy. Attacking enemies with Allergy heals nearby allies. Defeating an enemy with Allergy further heals the Descendant. This skill's recovery increases only when the total amount that make up Skill Power reaches a certain amount.
Stimulant Spray
Stimulant Spray Non-AttributeActive Skill - Singular
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeNon-Attribute
Arche TypeSingular
Grants Stimulation to nearby allies. Allies receive healing proportional to the number of times they were hit when Stimulation ends. This skill's recovery increases only when the total amount that make up Skill Power reaches a certain amount.
Hyperreactive Healing Ground
Hyperreactive Healing Ground Non-AttributeActive Skill - Fusion
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeNon-Attribute
Arche TypeFusion
Enters skill standby mode upon use. The skill can be used with the attack button and canceled with the aim button. Heals Yujin and his allies within a circular range, grants Purification, and provides Immunity to debuffs. The amount healed increases based on the number of allies and enemies within range. When the skill ends, grants Yujin Hyper Activity. This skill's recovery increases only when the total amount that make up Skill Power reaches a certain amount.
Stop Overreacting
Stop Overreacting Non-Attribute
Skill TypePassive Skill
Element TypeNon-Attribute
Significantly reduces the time it takes to rescue allies. Rescued allies gain Additional Prescription.
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