Image of Esiemo
Standard Descendant
Change Descendant Level
Max HP1373
Max Shield413
Max MP187
Shield Recovery Out of Combat4.88
Shield Recovery In Combat4.08
Esiemo Skills
Time Bomb
Time Bomb FireActive Skill - Tech
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeFire
Arche TypeTech
Fires a Sticky Bomb forward. The Sticky Bomb attaches to an enemy or terrain on contact.
Blast FireActive Skill - Fusion
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeFire
Arche TypeFusion
Detonate the attached bombs. Damage dealt increases with the number of attached bombs.
Guided Landmine
Guided Landmine FireActive Skill - Tech
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeFire
Arche TypeTech
Places a Guided Landmine. Once placed, the Guided Landmine flies to an enemy within its detection range and attaches to it. If there are obstacles in its path, it attaches to the terrain.
Arche Explosion
Arche Explosion FireActive Skill - Fusion
Skill TypeActive Skill
Element TypeFire
Arche TypeFusion
Dashes forward to deal damage and inflict Knockback on colliding targets during movement. Interacting with the skill button again or ending movement deals Burst damage to nearby enemies. Enemies hit by the explosion lose their buffs. When the skill ends, grants self Madness.
Adventitious Habit
Adventitious Habit Fire
Skill TypePassive Skill
Element TypeFire
Drops a bomb on the ground when the shield is completely depleted.
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